Preliminaries to Marriage
No legal marriage can be solemnized without the publication of BANNS/NOTICE or obtaining a LICENCE.
Permanent residents of the Republic of Guyana will contact their religious leader to effect Banns/Notice.
Permanent residents who desire may apply for a licence. All non-residents MUST obtain a licence.

Clinical Marriages
A marriage officer may solemnize a marriage WITHOUT any licence or publication of BANNS/NOTICE where the marriage is between two persons, one of whom is at the point of DEATH.
The medical practitioner in attendance can issue a certificate instead. The contracting parties will be given a copy of the Registration form by the Marriage Officer.

Legal Requirements
One of the contracting parties MUST BE a resident in Guyana fifteen (15) days before a licence can be issued. The application for a licence MUST be lodged at the General Register Office two (2) business days before a licence can be issued.
The licence is VALID for ninety (90) days from a date of ISSUE.
Marriage Officers MUST LODGE the Registration of Marriage at the General Register Office within fourteen (14) days of the Marriage. ( It is advised that persons deliver this document in person)
Contracting parties who are sixteen years of age but not eighteen years old must obtain the consent of the appropriate person (s).
- Purchase and obtain a marriage package at any Post Office
- Fill out the marriage package then take it to a Justice of the Peace/Commissioner of Oaths to be notarized.
- Contracting parties will bring in at the General Register Office (GRO) the completed petitions form and supporting documents that must be produced where applicable:
- Original & photocopy of Birth Certificate
- Original & photocopy of National Identification Card or Passport (Non-Residents are required to use passport ONLY)
- Original & photocopy of Absolutes with original court seal or stamp
- Original & photocopy of Deed poll (name change document)
- Original & photocopy of Death Certificate if either of the contracting parties was married before and the spouse has died.
- The name of your Marriage Officer & place where the marriage is to be performed